
bit meaning in Hindi

bit    ({noun})ग्रास|लगाम|टुकडा|छोटा अंश|कौर|दहाना
to bite    ({v.t.})कुतरना|पकड लेना|दांत से काटना|थामना|दुख देना|डंक मारना

Translations & Examples

bit    (also: morsel)ग्रास
bit    (also: bridle, rein)लगाम
bit    (also: branch, chip, chop, component, crumb, dole, factor, flake, fraction, fragment)टुकडा
bit    छोटा अंश
bit    (also: gulp, morsel)कौर
bit    (also: beginning)दहाना
to bite    (also: to overtake, to possess)पकड लेना
to bite    (also: to gnaw)दांत से काटना
to bite    (also: to rein, to stanch, to grasp, to sustain, to take, to uphold)थामना
to bite    (also: to plague, to bully)दुख देना
to bite    (also: to nettle, to sting)डंक मारना

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