
careful meaning in Hindi

careful    ({adj.})सावधान|चौकस
care    ({noun})देखभाल|रक्षा|चौकसी|ध्यान|परवाह|चिन्ता|सावधानी
to care    ({vb})फिकर करना|फ़िक्र करना
to care    ({v.i.})चिन्ता करना|चाहना|मन में लाना|परवाह करना

Translations & Examples

careful    (also: alert, attentive, aware, canny, cautious, circumspect, diligent, discreet, economical, mindful)सावधान
careful    (also: alert, attentive, cautious, circumspect, discreet, observant, prudent, scrupulous, sharp, vigilant)चौकस
care    (also: advocacy, aid, charge, conservancy, custody, defence, guard, keeping, look-out, outlook)रक्षा
care    (also: attention, caution, guard, outlook, oversight, surveillance, vigilance, watch, scrupulosity)चौकसी
care    (also: attention, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, ear, eye, hearing, heed, idea, meditation)ध्यान
care    परवाह
care    (also: anxiety, caution, concern, consideration, dilemma, thought)चिन्ता
care    (also: caution, prudence, vigilance)सावधानी
to care    फ़िक्र करना
to care    (also: to brood, to believe)चिन्ता करना
to care    (also: to aspire, to please, to hanker)चाहना
to care    मन में लाना
to care    परवाह करना

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