
closing meaning in Hindi

closing    ({noun})समापन|अंत|समाप्ति
to close    ({vb})ढकना|बन्द करना|घेरना|समाप्त करना
close    ({adj.})दम घुटनेवाला|तंग|संक्षिप्त
closed    ({adj.})बंद
closely    ({adv.})ध्यान से|गुप्त रूप से|चोरी-चोरी

Translations & Examples

closing    समापन
closing    (also: cessation, consequence, end, expiry, extinction, limit, period, consequent)अंत
closing    (also: abatement, close, completion, conclusion, consummation, denouement, determination, expiration, expiry, finish)समाप्ति
to close    (also: to cage, to cease, to clasp, to crib)बन्द करना
to close    (also: to bound, to skirt, to circle, to compass)घेरना
to close    (also: annulment, to conclude)समाप्त करना
close    (also: fast, limited, narrow, scant, scanty, succinct, taut, tight)तंग
close    (also: brief, concise, curt, laconic, pithy, succinct, summary)संक्षिप्त
closely    (also: aside, privately)गुप्त रूप से
closely    चोरी-चोरी

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