
cloth meaning in Hindi

cloth    ({noun})वस्त्र|कपडा
clothing    ({noun})पहनाव|वस्त्र|कपडा
clothes    ({noun})वस्त्र|कपडा|पहनाव
to clothe    ({vb})कपडे पहनना|कपडे देना
table-cloth    ({noun})मेज पर बिछाने का कपडा

Translations & Examples

cloth    (also: apparel, attire, clothes, clothing, dressing, garb, garment, habit, paraphernalia, rig)वस्त्र
cloth    (also: apparel, clothes, clothing, fabric, garb, garment, stuff, texture, vestment)कपडा
clothing    (also: apparel, attire, cloth, clothes, dressing, garb, garment, habit, paraphernalia, rig)वस्त्र
clothing    (also: apparel, cloth, clothes, fabric, garb, garment, stuff, texture, vestment)कपडा
clothes    (also: apparel, cloth, clothing, fabric, garb, garment, stuff, texture, vestment)कपडा
clothes    (also: clothing, wear)पहनाव
to clothe    कपडे देना

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