
completion meaning in Hindi

completion    ({noun})संपादन|समाप्ति|निपटाव|पूरण
complete    ({adj.})कुल|सम्पूर्ण|समूचा|पूरा|पूर्ण
to complete    ({v.i.})पूरा करना|सम्पूर्ण करना|सिद्ध करना|समाप्त करना

Translations & Examples

completion    (also: discharge, performance, work)संपादन
completion    (also: abatement, close, conclusion, consummation, denouement, determination, expiration, expiry, finish, sum)समाप्ति
completion    निपटाव
completion    पूरण
complete    (also: thorough, total)सम्पूर्ण
complete    (also: integral, sound, unbroken, whole)समूचा
complete    (also: all, consummate, critical, decisive, detailed, entire, exhaustive, full, gross, infinite)पूरा
complete    (also: exhaustive, full, integral, laudatory)पूर्ण
to complete    सम्पूर्ण करना
to complete    सिद्ध करना
to complete    समाप्त करना

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