
confederation meaning in Hindi

confederation    ({noun})संघ|मण्डल|संयोजन
confederate    ({noun})साथी|मित्र
to confederate    ({vb})संधि में मिलाना
to confederate    ({v.i.})संधि में मिलना|दल बनाना

Translations & Examples

confederation    (also: association, cluster, crew, federation, league, union)संघ
confederation    (also: disc, halo, sphere, zone)मण्डल
confederation    (also: accommodation, adaptation, annexation, composition)संयोजन
confederate    (also: ally, associate, chum, companion, comrade, friend, lover, familiar)मित्र
to confederate    संधि में मिलना
to confederate    दल बनाना

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