
deference meaning in Hindi

deference    ({noun})आदर|अधीनता|संमान|मर्यादा
to defer    ({v.t.})मान लेना|स्वीकार करना|टालना|सौंप देना|देर करना

Translations & Examples

deference    (also: attention, compliment, entertainment, esteem, estimation, honor, honour, notice, obeisance, price)आदर
deference    (also: allegiance, captivity, dependence, submission, subordination)अधीनता
deference    संमान
deference    (also: dignity, formula, measure, nobility)मर्यादा
to defer    (also: to accept, to allege, to allow, to approve, to grant, to profess, to affirm, to avow, to own, to recognize)स्वीकार करना
to defer    (also: to adjourn, to delay, to postpone)टालना
to defer    (also: to transfer, to entrust, to surrender)सौंप देना
to defer    (also: to procrastinate, to postpone, to retard, to loiter)देर करना

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