
fertile meaning in Hindi

fertile    ({adj.})प्रचुर|फलदायक|अधिक|उपजाऊ
fertility    ({noun})उर्वरापन|फलदायकता|उपजाऊपन
to fertilize    ({v.t.})फलदायक बनाना|बोने के योग्य बनाना|उपजाऊ करना

Translations & Examples

fertile    (also: abundant, ample, copious, exuberant, large, plentiful)प्रचुर
fertile    (also: available)फलदायक
fertile    (also: abundant, accessory, additional, burning, considerable, excessive, extra, exuberant, farther, further)अधिक
fertile    (also: plentiful, productive, prolific, rich)उपजाऊ
fertility    फलदायकता
fertility    उपजाऊपन
to fertilize    (also: to fertilise)बोने के योग्य बनाना
to fertilize    (also: to manure, to enrich, to fatten)उपजाऊ करना

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