
glory meaning in Hindi

glory    ({noun})गौरव|बडाई|प्रताप|कीर्ति|यश|नामवरी|ख्याति
to glory    ({v.i.})प्रसन्न होना|हुलसना|मग्न होना|शेखी मारना

Translations & Examples

glory    (also: dignity, honor, honour, importance, majesty, name, prestige, pride, significance, stress)गौरव
glory    (also: boast, eulogy, greatness, predominance, quantity, superiority, plaudit)बडाई
glory    (also: brightness, grandeur, majesty, prosperity)प्रताप
glory    (also: brightness, celebrity, fame, name, note, praise, repute)कीर्ति
glory    (also: agate, celebrity, fame, prestige, prosperity, renown, reputation)यश
glory    (also: distinction, fame, name, praise)नामवरी
glory    ख्याति
to glory    हुलसना
to glory    मग्न होना
to glory    (also: to quack, to vaunt)शेखी मारना

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