
have meaning in Hindi

have    ({noun})माल असबाब
to have    ({v.t.})रखना|प्राप्त करना|पकडना|पाना|जरूरत पडना|आवश्यक हो जाना

Translations & Examples

have    (also: ware, lade)माल असबाब
to have    (also: to arrive, to find, to get, to obtain, to reach, to reap, to achieve, to acquire, to avail, to gain)प्राप्त करना
to have    (also: to detect, to arrest, to grab, to grapple, to grasp, to grip, to recapture, to seize, to take, to apprehend)पकडना
to have    (also: to accept, to find, to get, to achieve, to acquire, to gain, to take, to win, to procure)पाना
to have    जरूरत पडना
to have    आवश्यक हो जाना

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