
healthful meaning in Hindi

healthful    ({adj.})पुष्ट|आरोग्यकर|भला चंगा|स्वास्थ्यप्रद|स्वस्थ|चंगा करने वाला|तंदुरुस्त
health    ({noun})स्वास्थ्य|तंदुरुस्ती|आरोग्यता|सेहत

Translations & Examples

healthful    (also: bony, brawny, burly, forceful, forcible, robust, stalwart, sturdy, valid, youthful)पुष्ट
healthful    आरोग्यकर
healthful    (also: healthy)भला चंगा
healthful    (also: salutary)स्वास्थ्यप्रद
healthful    (also: hale, placid, ruddy, tranquil)स्वस्थ
healthful    (also: medicinal)चंगा करने वाला
healthful    (also: healthy)तंदुरुस्त
health    तंदुरुस्ती
health    (also: restoration)आरोग्यता
health    (also: recovery, restoration)सेहत

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