
hearing meaning in Hindi

hearing    ({noun})सुनवायी|पेशी|ध्यान|श्रवण|विचार|अनुसंधान
to hear    ({vb})गुप्त संदेश पाना|कान लगाना|ध्यान देना|सुनना|(मुकद्दमा इत्यादि) अनुसन्धान करना|विचार करना|श्रवण करना

Translations & Examples

hearing    सुनवायी
hearing    पेशी
hearing    (also: attention, care, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, ear, eye, heed, idea, meditation)ध्यान
hearing    (also: ear)श्रवण
hearing    (also: belief, caution, concept, conception, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, determination, discretion, discrimination)विचार
hearing    (also: discovery, inquiry, investigation, research)अनुसंधान
to hear    कान लगाना
to hear    (also: to mark, to tend, to study)ध्यान देना
to hear    (also: to obey)सुनना
to hear    (मुकद्दमा इत्यादि) अनुसन्धान करना
to hear    (also: to intend, to reflect, to resolve, to revolve, to think, to agitate, to scheme, to speculate, to study, to weigh)विचार करना
to hear    श्रवण करना

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