
heart meaning in Hindi

heart    ({noun})हृदय|कलेजा|दिल|बीच का भाग|गूदा|दिलेरी|साहस
light hearted    ({adj.})चिंतारहित|प्रसन्नचित
whole hearted    ({adj.})पूरे हृदय से|उदार

Translations & Examples

heart    (also: bosom, core, mind, nucleus)हृदय
heart    कलेजा
heart    (also: mind)दिल
heart    बीच का भाग
heart    (also: core, kernel, nucleus, pulp)गूदा
heart    (also: mettle, nerve, prowess)दिलेरी
heart    (also: adventure, animation, bravery, confidence, courage, fortitude, grit, guts, incentive, nerve)साहस
light hearted    (also: blithe)प्रसन्नचित
whole hearted    (also: catholic, charitable, generous, handsome, kind, large, liberal, magnanimous, open)उदार

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