
height meaning in Hindi

height    ({noun})चोटी|सीमा|पराकाष्ठा|उच्चता|शिखर|ऊंचाई|पदवी

Translations & Examples

height    (also: apex, braid, cap, climax, crest, crop, crown, cue, pinnacle, pitch)चोटी
height    (also: barrier, border, bound, boundary, bourn, coast, compass, extremity, frontier, jurisdiction)सीमा
height    (also: acme, apex, culmination)पराकाष्ठा
height    (also: pride)उच्चता
height    (also: acme, crown, culmination, pinnacle, spire, summit, top)शिखर
height    (also: altitude, distinction, elevation, erection, highness, loft, pride, projection, prominence, summit)ऊंचाई
height    (also: appellation, condition, consequence, designation, dignity, distinction, function, office, situation, surname)पदवी

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