
helpful meaning in Hindi

helpful    ({adj.})उपकारी|उपयोगी|सहायक
help    ({noun})मदद|सहायता|उपकार|आश्रय|आराम|सहारा
to help    ({v.t.})सहायता करना|मदद देना

Translations & Examples

helpful    (also: advantageous, amicable, charitable, conducive, favourable, instrumental, obliging, useful)उपकारी
helpful    (also: agreeable, becoming, effective, serviceable, useful)उपयोगी
helpful    (also: accessory, auxiliary, conducive, cooperative, favourable, instrumental, subsidiary, branch)सहायक
help    (also: aid, assistance, bounty, friendship, furtherance, patronage, relief, subsidy, succor, succour)सहायता
help    (also: charity, wrong, behoof)उपकार
help    (also: anchor, auspices, buttress, end, haven, patronage, refuge, repair, retreat, rock)आश्रय
help    (also: inaction, inactivity, leisure, recreation, refreshment, sleep, quiet)आराम
help    (also: aid, assistance, bolster, crutch, dependence, favor, favour, ground, incumbency, peg)सहारा
to help    मदद देना

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