
impurity meaning in Hindi

impurity    ({noun})गन्दी वस्तु|अपवित्रता|गन्दगी|मैलापन
impure    ({adj.})गन्दा|अपवित्र|लम्पट|मैला|अशुद्ध

Translations & Examples

impurity    गन्दी वस्तु
impurity    अपवित्रता
impurity    (also: filth, squalor, taint)गन्दगी
impurity    (also: taint)मैलापन
impure    (also: filthy, profane, slippery, unholy)अपवित्र
impure    (also: abandoned, lascivious)लम्पट
impure    (also: cruddy, dingy, dirty, filthy, muddy, nasty, sordid, squalid, unclean)मैला
impure    (also: erroneous, faulty, filthy, foul, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, preposterous, wrong)अशुद्ध

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