
judge meaning in Hindi

judge    ({noun})विचारपति|जज|निर्णय कुशल व्यक्ति|न्यायकर्ता|न्यायाधीश
to judge    ({v.t.})जांचना|आज्ञा देना|विभेद करना|निर्णय करना

Translations & Examples

judge    विचारपति
judge    (also: justice)जज
judge    निर्णय कुशल व्यक्ति
judge    (also: justice)न्यायकर्ता
judge    (also: justice)न्यायाधीश
to judge    (also: to allow, to decree, to let, to license, to admit, to bid, to dictate, to direct, to enjoin, to permit)आज्ञा देना
to judge    विभेद करना
to judge    (also: to decide, to decree, to award, to settle, to sift, to rule)निर्णय करना

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