
liberalism meaning in Hindi

liberalism    ({noun})उदार दल के सिद्धांत|औदार्यवाद
liberal    ({noun})उदार पंथी|जनता के अधिकारों को बढाने वाला
liberal    ({adj.})उदार|दाता|दानी|सीधा|धर्मात्मा|साफ
liberation    ({noun})छुटकारा|मुक्ति|रिहाई
to liberate    ({v.t.})मुक्त करना|रिहा करना|छोड देना|स्वाधीन करना

Translations & Examples

liberalism    उदार दल के सिद्धांत
liberalism    औदार्यवाद
liberal    जनता के अधिकारों को बढाने वाला
liberal    (also: catholic, charitable, generous, handsome, kind, large, magnanimous, open, whole hearted)उदार
liberal    (also: generous, handsome)दाता
liberal    दानी
liberal    (also: categorical, direct, erect, gentle, harmless, linear, perpendicular, right, simple, straight)सीधा
liberal    (also: conscientious)धर्मात्मा
liberal    (also: clean, clear, explicit, fair, frank, intelligible, lucid, luminous, manifest, neat)साफ
liberation    (also: acquittal, delivery, discharge, disengagement, forgiveness, freedom, immunity, privilege, redemption, release)मुक्ति
liberation    (also: acquittal, release)रिहाई
to liberate    रिहा करना
to liberate    (also: to abandon, to release, to unbridle, to acquit, to eliminate, to enlarge, to exempt, to fail, to forgive, to ignore)छोड देना
to liberate    स्वाधीन करना

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