
life meaning in Hindi

life    ({noun})ज़िन्दगी|जान|प्राण|व्यवहार|जीवन चरित्र|जीवन|आचरण|आयुर्बल|अस्तित्व|जीवनी|जीवन का ढंग

Translations & Examples

life    ज़िन्दगी
life    जान
life    (also: breath, soul, vitality)प्राण
life    (also: affair, communication, custom, demeanour, experience, fashion, habit, negotiation, order, practice)व्यवहार
life    जीवन चरित्र
life    (also: being, existence, going, verve, vitality)जीवन
life    (also: behaviour, character, conduct, demeanour, enforcement, execution, grit, manner, play, treatment)आचरण
life    आयुर्बल
life    (also: entity, existence, standing, subsistence, substance)अस्तित्व
life    (also: biography)जीवनी
life    जीवन का ढंग

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