
light meaning in Hindi

light    ({adj.})सुकर|सुगम|चमकदार|चमकीला|सरल|उजाला|लघुभार|हलका
light    ({noun})दीपक|मोमबत्ती|प्रकाश|उजाला|चिराग|बोध|ज्योति|रोशनी|दिन|ज्ञान
to light    ({v.t.})सुलगाना|उजाला करना

Translations & Examples

light    (also: feasible, practicable, workable)सुकर
light    (also: accessible, brittle, easy, facile, successful)सुगम
light    (also: brilliant, florid, luminous, radiant, rich)चमकदार
light    (also: bright, glaring, glossy, golden, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, rich)चमकीला
light    (also: direct, easy, elementary, ingenuous, innocent, prompt, right, running, simple, smooth)सरल
light    (also: lustrous)उजाला
light    लघुभार
light    (also: bland, easy, moderate, portable, trivial)हलका
light    (also: candle, lamp)दीपक
light    (also: candle)मोमबत्ती
light    (also: allegation, daylight, disclosure, illumination, luster, lustre, publicity, ray, revelation, show)प्रकाश
light    (also: illumination)उजाला
light    (also: lamp)चिराग
light    (also: comprehension, feeling, knowledge, sense, sensibility, wit)बोध
light    (also: candle, eyesight, gleam, radiation, sheen, shine, splendor, splendour)ज्योति
light    (also: illumination, sheen, shine)रोशनी
light    (also: day, daytime)दिन
light    (also: belief, cognizance, consciousness, experience, idea, information, intellect, intelligence, ken, knowledge)ज्ञान
to light    (also: to illuminate)उजाला करना

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