
like meaning in Hindi

like    ({adj.})सदृश|समान|एक सा|बराबर
like    ({adv.})तुल्य रूप से
like    ({noun})समान|तुल्य रूप|प्रतिरूप
to like    ({v.t.})पसन्द करना|भोग करना|चाहना
likely    ({adv.})सम्भव|कदाचित|होने के योग्य

Translations & Examples

like    (also: parallel, same, similar)सदृश
like    (also: coincident, compatible, convertible, harmonious, identical, level, parallel, same, similar, worthy)समान
like    (also: homogeneous)एक सा
like    (also: adequate, ceaseless, continuous, equal, even, level, parallel, proportional, proportionate, uniform)बराबर
like    तुल्य रूप से
like    (also: equal, consistent)समान
like    तुल्य रूप
like    (also: copy, counterpart, double, facsimile, icon, imitation, replica, representative, resemblance, specimen)प्रतिरूप
to like    (also: to occupy, to enjoy)भोग करना
to like    (also: to request, to affect, to desire, to dispose, to owe, to require, to hope)चाहना
likely    (also: maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably, rarely)कदाचित
likely    होने के योग्य

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