to mend

to mend meaning in Hindi

to mend    ({v.t.})उन्नति करना|मरम्मत करना|ठीक करना|सुधारना

Translations & Examples

to mend    (also: to amend, to improve, to profit, to reform, to shoot, to advance, to progress, to rise, to promote)उन्नति करना
to mend    (also: to redress, to reform, to remedy, to repair, to refit)मरम्मत करना
to mend    (also: to adjust, to amend, to match, to pair, to prepare, to punish, to recover, to rectify, to set, to fashion)ठीक करना
to mend    (also: to adjust, to amend, to punish, to digest, to direct, to educate, to file, to heighten, to modify, to reclaim)सुधारना

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