
might meaning in Hindi

might    ({noun})शक्ति|पराक्रम|बल|योग्यता
to may    ({vb})सम्भव होना|आज्ञा पाना|सकना

Translations & Examples

might    (also: ability, authority, capacity, command, force, gift, nerve, potency, power, strength)शक्ति
might    (also: ability, achievement, exploit, heroism)पराक्रम
might    (also: arm, bend, compulsion, efficacy, force, impetus, nerve, power, reign, strength)बल
might    (also: ability, aptitude, attainment, capability, capacity, compatibility, competence, competency, convenience, desert)योग्यता
to may    आज्ञा पाना
to may    (also: to refrain)सकना

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