
miserable meaning in Hindi

miserable    ({adj.})दुखित|दीन|निकम्मा|निरानंद|अधम|अभागा
miserly    ({adj.})लालची|अति लोभी|कंजूस की भांति|कंजूस

Translations & Examples

miserable    (also: vexed)दुखित
miserable    (also: destitute, humble, indigent, penniless, unobtrusive)दीन
miserable    (also: idle, shoddy, unworthy, useless, vain, vile, worthless, wretched)निकम्मा
miserable    निरानंद
miserable    (also: abject, banal, base, degenerate, despicable, lowly, mean, sneaking, sorry, trivial)अधम
miserable    (also: adverse, bad, disastrous, hapless, unhappy, unlucky)अभागा
miserly    (also: rapacious)अति लोभी
miserly    कंजूस की भांति
miserly    (also: mean, scant, sordid)कंजूस

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