
modest meaning in Hindi

modest    ({adj.})सदाचारी|ठीक|संकोची|सुशील|विनीत|नम्र|अधृष्ट|पवित्र|सविनय

Translations & Examples

modest    (also: moral, continent)सदाचारी
modest    (also: accurate, actual, answerable, apt, correct, crucial, definite, equal, equitable, exact)ठीक
modest    (also: coy, reserved, shy)संकोची
modest    (also: affable, amiable, civil, courteous, courtly, fashionable, genteel, gentle, neighborly, neighbourly)सुशील
modest    (also: attentive, bashful, courteous, demure, humble, profound, reverent, unobtrusive)विनीत
modest    (also: bashful, courteous, gentle, humble, indulgent, lowly, meek, profound, reverent)नम्र
modest    अधृष्ट
modest    (also: blessed, clean, divine, holy, inviolable, pious, pure, sacrosanct, solemn, spiritual)पवित्र
modest    (also: civil, humble)सविनय

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