
occupancy meaning in Hindi

occupancy    ({noun})भोग|अधिकार|युक्ति|कब्ज़ा
occupant    ({noun})किरायेदार|निवासी|ठेकेदार
occupation    ({noun})भोग|अधिवास|अधिकृत|पेशा|अधिकार|दखल|कारोबार|धंधा

Translations & Examples

occupancy    (also: clover, enjoyment, occupation, possession, snack, tenure, use)भोग
occupancy    (also: ability, authority, command, commission, control, discretion, disposal, faculty, function, governance)अधिकार
occupancy    (also: appliance, argument, design, device, engine, invention, knack, maneuver, manoeuvre, projection)युक्ति
occupancy    (also: hinge, joint, possession)कब्ज़ा
occupant    (also: denizen, inhabitant, resident, settler)निवासी
occupant    (also: contractor)ठेकेदार
occupation    अधिवास
occupation    (also: attorney)अधिकृत
occupation    (also: place, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation)पेशा
occupation    (also: ability, authority, command, commission, control, discretion, disposal, faculty, function, governance)अधिकार
occupation    (also: intrusion, possession, entree)दखल
occupation    (also: affair, employment, transaction)कारोबार
occupation    (also: business, employment, engagement, province, pursuit, trade, vocation)धंधा

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