
offering meaning in Hindi

offering    ({noun})सौगात|भेंट|चढावा|बलिदान
to offer    ({vb})बतलाना|करना|भेंट चढाना|उपस्थित करना|मोल लगाना|बलि देना
offer    ({noun})भेंट चढाना|देना|प्रस्ताव

Translations & Examples

offering    (also: rarity)सौगात
offering    (also: dedication, gift, interview, meeting, present, presentation, reception, visit, visitation, largess)भेंट
offering    (also: dedication)चढावा
offering    बलिदान
to offer    (also: to obey, to perpetrate, to proceed, to do, to act, to minister)करना
to offer    भेंट चढाना
to offer    (also: to present, to realise, to realize, to advance, to produce)उपस्थित करना
to offer    मोल लगाना
to offer    बलि देना
offer    (also: commitment)देना
offer    (also: motion, move, tender)प्रस्ताव

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