
ornament meaning in Hindi

ornament    ({noun})श्रृंगार|गहना|सजावट|आभूषण|आभरण
to ornament    ({v.t.})शोभायमान करना|सजाना|सुन्दर बनाना|आभूषित करना
ornamental    ({adj.})विभूषक|शोभाप्रद
ornamentation    ({noun})अलंकृत करना|श्रृंगार

Translations & Examples

ornament    (also: decoration, ornamentation)श्रृंगार
ornament    (also: jewel, paraphernalia)गहना
ornament    (also: assortment, decoration, disposition, equipment, finery, flourish, garnish, outfit)सजावट
ornament    (also: attire, garnish, jewellery, jewelry)आभूषण
ornament    आभरण
to ornament    (also: to apparel, to bedeck, to garb, to grace, to invest, to outfit, to patch, to adorn, to deck, to decorate)सजाना
to ornament    (also: to embellish, to beautify)सुन्दर बनाना
to ornament    (also: to grace, to adorn, to enrich)आभूषित करना
ornamental    शोभाप्रद
ornamentation    (also: decoration, ornament)श्रृंगार

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