
part meaning in Hindi

part    ({noun})खंड|टुकडा|अभिनेता का भाग|भाग|गुण|बुद्धि|अंग|अंश|पक्ष|मन की शक्ति|संबंध
to part    ({vb})भाग करना|बांटना|जुदा करना|विदा होना
parting    ({adj.})अलग करने वाला
parting    ({noun})बिदाई|जुदाई|विदाई|वियोग

Translations & Examples

part    (also: chip, fraction, fragment, parcel, segment, strip)खंड
part    (also: bit, branch, chip, chop, component, crumb, dole, factor, flake, fraction)टुकडा
part    अभिनेता का भाग
part    (also: allotment, branch, component, deal, department, interest, lobe, lot, partition, portion)भाग
part    (also: ability, accomplishment, attainment, attribute, benefit, character, characteristic, competence, competency, desert)गुण
part    (also: brain, calibre, comprehension, discretion, head, humor, humour, intellect, lore, mind)बुद्धि
part    (also: department, limb, lot, organ)अंग
part    (also: allotment, allowance, compartment, component, contribution, deal, factor, fraction, fragment, ingredient)अंश
part    (also: cause, favor, favour, flank, hand, plume, predilection, protection, side, behoof)पक्ष
part    (also: faculty)मन की शक्ति
part    (also: application, bearing, cohesion, context, cooperation, dependence)संबंध
to part    (also: to share)बांटना
to part    (also: to sequester)जुदा करना
to part    विदा होना
parting    (also: farewell)बिदाई
parting    (also: removal, segregation, severance, split)जुदाई
parting    (also: dismissal, farewell)विदाई
parting    (also: absence, detachment, segregation, separation, severance)वियोग

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