
peace meaning in Hindi

peace    ({noun})अमन|मेल|शान्ति|सन्धि|चैन|अविरोध
peacefully    ({adv.})कोमलता से|चुपचाप|शान्ति से
peaceful    ({adj.})शान्त|स्थिर|कोमल|मृदु

Translations & Examples

peace    अमन
peace    (also: accord, accordance, adaptation, alliance, amalgamation, annexation, association, blend, bond, coalition)मेल
peace    शान्ति
peace    (also: federation)सन्धि
peace    (also: ease, refreshment, rest, satisfaction, quiet)चैन
peace    (also: compatibility, concord, consistency, harmony)अविरोध
peacefully    (also: peaceably, quietly)चुपचाप
peacefully    (also: coolly)शान्ति से
peaceful    (also: calm, constant, firm, fixed, immovable, immutable, motionless, pacific, permanent, positive)स्थिर
peaceful    (also: bland, clement, delicate, feminine, fine, gentle, lenient, meek, melodious, mild)कोमल
peaceful    (also: dainty, meek, smooth, sweet)मृदु

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