
place meaning in Hindi

place    ({noun})स्थान|कमरा|स्थिति|निवास स्थान|व्यवसाय|पुस्तक में कोई अंश|जगह|अवस्था|श्रेणी|पेशा|दर्जा
to place    ({v.t.})रखना|धरना|लगाना|नियत करना
market-place    ({noun})जहां बाजार लगता हो

Translations & Examples

Place    warningस्थान
place    (also: attitude, condition, continuance, entity, existence, locality, location, position, site, situation)स्थिति
place    (also: accommodation, habitation, residence, residency, seat, quarters)निवास स्थान
place    (also: avocation, business, craft, engagement, negotiation, profession, province, undertaking, vocation, work)व्यवसाय
place    पुस्तक में कोई अंश
place    (also: accommodation, locality, position, post, room, scope, site, space, spot, stand)जगह
place    (also: age, being, circumstance, condition, estate, fact, plight, position, posture, predicament)अवस्था
place    (also: ancestry, array, category, class, continuation, grade, line, predicament, progression, race)श्रेणी
place    (also: occupation, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation)पेशा
place    (also: class, degree, grade, line, rating, tier)दर्जा
to place    (also: to keep, to set, to owe, to seize)धरना
to place    (also: to adjoin, to administer, to bed, to engage, to fix, to set, to affix, to append, to apply, to fasten)लगाना
to place    (also: to prescribe, to ordain)नियत करना

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