
plague meaning in Hindi

plague    ({noun})महामारी|प्लेग|बला|दुखदायक वस्तु|विपत्ति|तकलीफ़
to plague    ({v.t.})तंग करना|दुख देना

Translations & Examples

plague    (also: epidemic)महामारी
plague    प्लेग
plague    (also: curse, misadventure)बला
plague    दुखदायक वस्तु
plague    (also: adversity, calamity, danger, disaster, grievance, misfortune)विपत्ति
plague    (also: bother, offence, offense, pinch)तकलीफ़
to plague    (also: to bite, to bully)दुख देना

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