
play meaning in Hindi

play    ({noun})आचरण|किलोल|नाटक|व्यवहार का ढंग|दिल्लगी|खेल
to play    ({vb})हंसी करना|बजाना|नकल करना|खेल करना|खेल खेलना|स्वांग करना|चिढाना|अभिनय करना
playful    ({adj.})रसिक|चपल|आनन्दी|खिलाडी|चंचल

Translations & Examples

play    (also: behaviour, character, conduct, demeanour, enforcement, execution, grit, life, manner, treatment)आचरण
play    किलोल
play    (also: ballet, comedy, drama, melodrama, scene)नाटक
play    व्यवहार का ढंग
play    (also: amusement, entertainment, humor, humour, pleasantry, recreation)दिल्लगी
play    (also: athletics, diversion, fun, game, rig, sport, tournament)खेल
to play    (also: to chime, to roll, to wind)बजाना
to play    (also: to simulate, to imitate, to represent, to transcribe, to act)नकल करना
to play    खेल करना
to play    खेल खेलना
to play    (also: to simulate)स्वांग करना
to play    (also: to flout, to jeer)चिढाना
to play    (also: to enact, to stage)अभिनय करना
playful    (also: agile, bonny, brisk, fickle, mobile, pert, skittish, versatile, vivid)चपल
playful    (also: luxurious)आनन्दी
playful    (also: bonny, frisky)खिलाडी
playful    (also: bonny, feverish, fickle, frisky, frivolous, restless, skittish, speedy, ticklish, versatile)चंचल

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