to plead

to plead meaning in Hindi

to plead    ({v.t.})बात करना|जवाब लगाना|बहस करना|प्रतिपादन करना|वकालत करना
pleadings    ({pl})उत्तरवाद|प्रतिपादन|हेतुवाद|बहस

Translations & Examples

to plead    (also: to speak)बात करना
to plead    जवाब लगाना
to plead    (also: to bandy, to debate, to discuss, to question, to reason, to moot)बहस करना
to plead    प्रतिपादन करना
to plead    वकालत करना
pleadings    (also: demonstration, presentation, restoration)प्रतिपादन
pleadings    (also: plea)हेतुवाद
pleadings    (also: advocacy, altercation, argument, controversy, debate, discussion, plea, reason)बहस

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