
post meaning in Hindi

post    ({noun})काम|नौकरी|ओहदा|खम्बा|स्तम्भ|एक प्रकार का कागज़|स्थान|जगह|पद|डाक
to post    ({vb})डाकखाने में छोडना|रखना|खाते में उतारना|विज्ञापन देना
to post    ({v.i.})जल्द चलना

Translations & Examples

post    (also: act, action, affair, business, concern, deed, employment, engagement, fact, function)काम
post    (also: berth, employment, job, office, service, situation)नौकरी
post    (also: seat)ओहदा
post    (also: mole)खम्बा
post    (also: pillar)स्तम्भ
post    एक प्रकार का कागज़
post    (also: accommodation, degree, establishment, latitude, locality, location, place, position, posture, precinct)स्थान
post    (also: accommodation, locality, place, position, room, scope, site, space, spot, stand)जगह
post    (also: birth, category, class, clause, degree, dignity, expression, grade, item, line)पद
post    (also: mail)डाक
to post    (also: to contain, to occupy, to rest)रखना
to post    खाते में उतारना
to post    विज्ञापन देना
to post    जल्द चलना

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