to postulate

to postulate meaning in Hindi

to postulate    ({vb})मांगना|फर्ज़ करना|प्रार्थना करना|मान लेना|कल्पना करना

Translations & Examples

to postulate    (also: to ask, to claim, to crave)मांगना
to postulate    फर्ज़ करना
to postulate    (also: to invoke, to pray, to request, to beg, to implore, to seek, to solicit)प्रार्थना करना
to postulate    (also: acceptance, to presume, to profess, to submit, to suppose)मान लेना
to postulate    (also: to fancy, to image, to imagine, to suppose, to think, to assume, to visualize, to visualise)कल्पना करना

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