
quarrel meaning in Hindi

quarrel    ({noun})बखेडा|विवाद|लडाई करना|झगडा
to quarrel    ({vb})भगडाना|लडाई करना|बखेडा करना

Translations & Examples

quarrel    (also: contest, difficulty, disturbance, feud, strife, turmoil, ado)बखेडा
quarrel    (also: altercation, controversy, debate, diatribe, dispute, match, reasoning)विवाद
quarrel    लडाई करना
quarrel    (also: affair, altercation, boutique, brawl, broil, conflict, contest, controversy, disagreement, dispute)झगडा
to quarrel    (also: to encounter, to tiff)लडाई करना
to quarrel    (also: to haggle, to wrangle)बखेडा करना

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