realization | (also: realisation) | एहसास |
realization | (also: brain, discretion, discrimination, head, idea, intellect, intelligence, mind, opinion, penetration) | समझ |
realization | (also: accomplishment, acquisition, advantage, attainment, avail, gain, income, proceeds, profit, realisation) | प्राप्ति |
realization | (also: realisation, recovery) | वसूली |
to realize | (also: to realise, to perform) | संपादन करना |
to realize | (also: to realise, to recover, to reclaim, to recuperate) | वसूल करना |
to realize | (also: to offer, to present, to realise, to advance, to produce) | उपस्थित करना |
to realize | (also: to perfect, to prove, to realise, to verify, to accomplish, to effectuate, to sustain, to effect) | सिद्ध करना |
to realize | (also: to enact, to fill, to perfect, to realise, to redeem, to accomplish, to achieve, to belly, to eke, to equip) | पूरा करना |
to realize | (also: to realise) | एहसास होना |
to realize | (also: comprehension, to comprehend, to consider, to count, to perceive, to presume, to reach, to read, to realise, to understand) | समझना |
to realize | (also: to realise) | द्रव्य पाना |
to realize | (also: to realise, to rely, to trust, to accredit, to believe, to deem) | विश्वास करना |
to realize | (also: to perceive, to realise, to taste, to tell, to understand) | जानना |