
redemption meaning in Hindi

redemption    ({noun})बन्धक मुक्ति|द्रव्य जो छुडाने के हेतु दिया जाये|छुटकारा|मुक्ति|उद्धार|दोबारा मोल लेना

Translations & Examples

redemption    बन्धक मुक्ति
redemption    द्रव्य जो छुडाने के हेतु दिया जाये
redemption    (also: acquittal, delivery, discharge, disengagement, enlargement, escape, exemption, forgiveness, immunity, impunity)छुटकारा
redemption    (also: acquittal, delivery, discharge, disengagement, forgiveness, freedom, immunity, liberation, privilege, release)मुक्ति
redemption    (also: rescue)उद्धार
redemption    दोबारा मोल लेना

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