
refrain meaning in Hindi

refrain    ({noun})टेक|राग में दोहराने के शब्द
to refrain    ({vb})सम्भालना|कार्य से निवृत्त होना|रोकना|आडना|सकना

Translations & Examples

refrain    (also: burden, fulcrum, ground, hold, shore)टेक
refrain    राग में दोहराने के शब्द
to refrain    कार्य से निवृत्त होना
to refrain    (also: to bound, to cease, to check, to clog, to confine, to constrain, to contain, to control, to counteract, to cross)रोकना
to refrain    (also: to object, to oppose, to react, to withstand)आडना
to refrain    (also: to may)सकना

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