
result meaning in Hindi

result    ({noun})फल|प्रभाव|असर|परिणाम|नतीजा|सिद्धान्त
to result    ({v.i.})परिणाम होना|नतीजा निकलना|निकल आना|फलना
resultant    ({adj.})मेल से पैदा हुआ|परिणाम स्वरूप
resultant    ({noun})फल|संयुक्त परिणाम|लब्ध|नतीजा|सिद्धान्त

Translations & Examples

result    (also: advantage, avail, consequence, deduction, end, fruit, gain, growth, inference, issue)फल
result    (also: ascendancy, authority, consequence, effect, efficacy, emphasis, execution, importance, impulse, influence)प्रभाव
result    (also: effect, emphasis, impression, impulse, influence, operation, potency)असर
result    (also: conclusion, consequence, corollary, deduction, effect, growth, inference, issue, outgrowth, sequel)परिणाम
result    (also: resultant, reward, sequel)नतीजा
result    (also: principle, resultant, ruling)सिद्धान्त
to result    नतीजा निकलना
to result    (also: to bulge)निकल आना
to result    (also: to blossom, to flourish, to thrive)फलना
resultant    (also: consequential)परिणाम स्वरूप
resultant    (also: advantage, avail, consequence, deduction, end, fruit, gain, growth, inference, issue)फल
resultant    संयुक्त परिणाम
resultant    लब्ध
resultant    (also: result, reward, sequel)नतीजा
resultant    (also: principle, result, ruling)सिद्धान्त

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