
retrenchment meaning in Hindi

retrenchment    ({noun})छटनी|काट|किले का भीतरी भाग|घटाव
to retrench    ({vb})सीमा बांधना|किफायत करना|किफायत से रहना|घटाना|खर्च घटाना|मोर्चा बांधना|कम करना|काट डालना

Translations & Examples

retrenchment    छटनी
retrenchment    (also: incision, slash, slit)काट
retrenchment    किले का भीतरी भाग
retrenchment    (also: depreciation, qualification, remission)घटाव
to retrench    किफायत करना
to retrench    किफायत से रहना
to retrench    (also: to clip, to lessen, to lower)घटाना
to retrench    खर्च घटाना
to retrench    मोर्चा बांधना
to retrench    (also: to assuage, to break, to deduct, to lessen, to mitigate, to moderate, to rebate, to relax, to shorten, to allay)कम करना
to retrench    (also: to rip)काट डालना

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