
retrieval meaning in Hindi

retrieval    ({noun})पुनः प्राप्ति|वापसी|पुनरुद्धार
to retrieve    ({v.t.})पा लेना|पुनः प्राप्त करना|टूटा भरना|सुधारना|लौटा देना

Translations & Examples

retrieval    (also: reclamation, recovery)पुनः प्राप्ति
retrieval    (also: recession, retreat, retribution, return, withdrawal)वापसी
retrieval    पुनरुद्धार
to retrieve    (also: to recover, to regain, to recuperate)पुनः प्राप्त करना
to retrieve    टूटा भरना
to retrieve    (also: to adjust, to amend, to punish, to digest, to direct, to educate, to file, to heighten, to mend, to modify)सुधारना
to retrieve    (also: to remand, to disgorge, to repay)लौटा देना

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