
rigging meaning in Hindi

rigging    ({noun})जहाज़ की रस्सी|रस्सी वगैरह|वस्त्र
to rig    ({v.t.})पोशाक पहनाना|रस्सी इत्यादि से दुरुस्त करना|वस्त्र पहनाना|संवारना
rig    ({noun})खेल|वस्त्र|चालाकी|चाल|पोशाक

Translations & Examples

rigging    जहाज़ की रस्सी
rigging    रस्सी वगैरह
rigging    (also: apparel, attire, cloth, clothes, clothing, dressing, garb, garment, habit, paraphernalia)वस्त्र
to rig    रस्सी इत्यादि से दुरुस्त करना
to rig    (also: to invest, to garment, to array)वस्त्र पहनाना
to rig    (also: to adjust, to better, to qualify, to adorn, to deck, to decorate, to embellish, to equip, to flourish, to garnish)संवारना
rig    (also: apparel, attire, cloth, clothes, clothing, dressing, garb, garment, habit, paraphernalia)वस्त्र
rig    (also: alacrity, artifice, cleverness, craft, device, ingenuity, knack, maneuver, manoeuvre, prank)चालाकी
rig    (also: action, activity, career, carriage, ceremony, custom, gait, going, manner, mien)चाल
rig    (also: garment, habit, investment, guise)पोशाक

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