
saturation meaning in Hindi

saturation    ({noun})परिपूर्णता|भराई|तरी|भराव|नमी|भिगाव
saturated    ({adj.})भीगा हुआ|भरा हुआ
to saturate    ({v.t.})भिगाना|भरना

Translations & Examples

saturation    (also: accomplishment)परिपूर्णता
saturation    (also: storage)भराई
saturation    (also: clam, humidity, moisture)तरी
saturation    भराव
saturation    (also: clam, damp, dampness, humidity, moisture, wetness)नमी
saturation    भिगाव
saturated    (also: fraught, full, loaded, replete)भरा हुआ
to saturate    (also: to fill, to plump, to ram, to belly, to impregnate, to load, to stock, to suffuse, to supplement, to supply)भरना

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