
scrub meaning in Hindi

scrub    ({noun})अधम|नीच|कमीना
to scrub    ({v.t.})मेहनती और गरीब होना|घिसना|रगडना
to scrub    ({v.i.})रगडना|घिसना|मेहनती और गरीब होना

Translations & Examples

scrub    अधम
scrub    (also: brute, sneak)नीच
scrub    (also: creep, rascal)कमीना
to scrub    (also: to gall, to grate, to obliterate, to fret)घिसना
to scrub    (also: to gall, to grate, to rub, to scour, to rub, to fret)रगडना
to scrub    रगडना
to scrub    घिसना
to scrub    (also: to scrub)मेहनती और गरीब होना

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