
seal meaning in Hindi

seal    ({noun})मोहर|सील मछली|छाप|ठप्पा|एक भांति का समुद्री जन्तु|दृढीकरण
to seal    ({v.t.})मोहर लगाना|दृढ करना|छाप लगाना|ठप्पा लगाना

Translations & Examples

seal    (also: badge, mark)मोहर
seal    सील मछली
seal    (also: badge, brand, stamp, type)छाप
seal    (also: die, impression, print, type)ठप्पा
seal    एक भांति का समुद्री जन्तु
seal    (also: ratification, sanction)दृढीकरण
to seal    (also: to brace, to fix, to strengthen, to fortify, to sanction)दृढ करना
to seal    छाप लगाना
to seal    ठप्पा लगाना

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