
seed meaning in Hindi

seed    ({noun})आरंभ|बीज|मूल|नसल|जड|वंश|औलाद|सन्तान
to seed    ({v.t.})बोना|बीज उत्पन्न करना|बीज डालना

Translations & Examples

seed    (also: dawn, embryo, origin, outset)आरंभ
seed    (also: germ, grain, issue, kernel, nucleus, sperm)बीज
seed    (also: basis, constituent, content, element, germ, origin, principle, root, source, substance)मूल
seed    (also: parentage)नसल
seed    (also: basis, dunce, element, fool, footing, origin, parent, race, root, radical)जड
seed    (also: ancestry, blood, breed, descendant, family, genealogy, generation, genesis, heredity, house)वंश
seed    (also: posterity)औलाद
seed    (also: child, descendant, fruit, offspring, posterity, scion)सन्तान
to seed    बीज उत्पन्न करना
to seed    बीज डालना

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