
shade meaning in Hindi

shade    ({noun})परछाई|परदा|छाया|साया|अप्रकाश|शरण|अंधेरापन|रंग का दर्जा
to shade    ({v.t.})धूप से बचाना|अंधेरा करना|रक्षा करना|छाया करना
shades    ({noun})मरे हुओं का स्थान|बिलकुल अंधेरा

Translations & Examples

shade    (also: reflection)परछाई
shade    (also: cloak, concealment, cover, film, mist, screen, secret, veil)परदा
shade    (also: apparition, image, phantom, shadow, specter, spectre, spirit, umbrage, vision)छाया
shade    (also: gown, shadow)साया
shade    अप्रकाश
shade    (also: auspices, cover, defence, housing, protection, refuge, retreat, shelter, shift, defensive)शरण
shade    (also: darkness)अंधेरापन
shade    रंग का दर्जा
to shade    (also: to deepen, to eclipse, to darken, to shadow)अंधेरा करना
to shade    (also: to escort, to keep, to protect, to safeguard, to shield, to support, to ward, to advocate, to bolster, to defend)रक्षा करना
to shade    (also: to shadow)छाया करना
shades    बिलकुल अंधेरा

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