
sharp meaning in Hindi

sharp    ({noun})तेज़ आवाज़|तीव्र स्वर
sharp    ({adj.})प्रचंड|पतली धार का|नुकीला|तीक्ष्ण|पैना|चतुर|तेज़|चुभनेवाला|चोखा|चौकस
to sharp    ({vb})दगा देना|तेज़ करना|छल करना|चौखा करना
sharp-shooter    ({noun})अच्छा निशाना मारने वाला|निशानेबाज़

Translations & Examples

sharp    तेज़ आवाज़
sharp    तीव्र स्वर
sharp    (also: burly, drastic, furious, heady, high, vehement, warm, wild)प्रचंड
sharp    पतली धार का
sharp    (also: angular, spiky)नुकीला
sharp    (also: acid, acrid, acute, austere, biting, eager, penetrating, piercing, pungent, saucy)तीक्ष्ण
sharp    पैना
sharp    (also: able, acute, adroit, artful, astute, canny, clever, crafty, cunning, deft)चतुर
sharp    (also: heady, impetuous, keen, penetrating, piercing, pungent, quick, rapid, shrill, swift)तेज़
sharp    (also: penetrating)चुभनेवाला
sharp    (also: keen)चोखा
sharp    (also: alert, attentive, careful, cautious, circumspect, discreet, observant, prudent, scrupulous, vigilant)चौकस
to sharp    (also: to sharpen, to perk, to whet, to quicken, to intensify)तेज़ करना
to sharp    (also: to deceive, to pretend)छल करना
to sharp    चौखा करना
sharp-shooter    (also: sharpshooter)निशानेबाज़

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